Englische anonyme Übersetzung des IPO (1713)
A General Collection Of Treatys, Manifesto's, Contracts of Marriage, Renunciations, and other Publick Papers, from the Year 1495, to the Year 1712. Vol. II Containing ... With an Introduction, giving some Account of this Work. The second Edition. London: J.J. und P. Knapton, J. Darby u.a. 1732 (7: 8° J. gent. 136i), 415.

englisch 1713


Artikel VI IPO

  [Art. VI IPO = § 61 IPM] VI. And whereas his Imperial Majesty, upon the Complaints made in presence of his Plenipotentiaries and Deputies in the present Assembly, in the name of the City of Bazil and of all Swizerland, touching certain Procedures and executory Orders, issu'd from the Imperial Chamber against the said City, the other united Swiss Cantons, and their Citizens and Subjects, having ask'd the Counsel and Advice of the States of the Empire, did, by a particular Decree of the 14th of May last past, declare the said City of Bazil, and the other Swiss Cantons to be in possession of a quasi full Liberty and Exemption from the Empire, and so no way subject to the Tribunals and Sentences of the said Empire; it has been resolv'd that this same Decree shall be held as included in this Treaty of Peace, that it shall remain firm and lasting, and that therefore all those Procedures and Arrests executed upon this occasion in any Form whatsoever, ought to be of no validity or effect.  

Vertragstext 1648
deutsch 1649 |  deutsch 1720 |  deutsch 1975 |  deutsch 1984 |  französisch 1684
französisch 1754 |  italienisch 1648 |  schwedisch 1649 |  spanisch 1750