Editorial Policy

  The texts are reprinted following the original documents as closely as possible. Hence u and v, as well as i and j, appear as in the original and not according to their phonetic value. The sign < > marks letters which are barely legible. Words are written together or separate from each other as in the original, in case of doubt, however, the actual spelling is given. Deviations from the original were necessary
  • when the display of the characters on the screen was not possible for technical reasons,
  • the original was unclear in spelling or meaning
  • or contained obvious mistakes.
  • Also, comparability of the texts with one another was to be achieved.
Therefore all texts are printed using the same font (Antiqua) and the features bold and italicized have been ignored. Hyphenation is almost always displayed as =. Ligatures (i.e. oe, ct, st), except for æ, and abbreviations are dissolved. All signs for „et“ respectively „et cetera“ are replaced with „et“ or „etc.“ „od'“ is changed to „oder“. Where the original uses majuscules, the reprint employs solely a capital at the beginning of the word. Commas and other punctuation marks are placed immediately after the word followed by a space. Passages raising difficulties as to grammar or meaning are marked „[!]“. If missing letters or words are inferred, they are set between square brackets.
Passages that do not belong to the documents of the treaty from October 24th, 1648 are enclosed in double angle brackets (<<xyz>>). If a word is syntactically misplaced of a sentence, its correct placement is restored without further explicit indicating in the text.

In order to be able to display the texts synoptically the page layout appears modified from the original, the division of the text corresponds with that of the critical edition of the two treaties, APW III B 1/1, the modern numbering of the paragraphs is indicated in square brackets, and special characters are used to establish concordance with the other treaty.