Englische anonyme Übersetzung des IPO (1713)
A General Collection Of Treatys, Manifesto's, Contracts of Marriage, Renunciations, and other Publick Papers, from the Year 1495, to the Year 1712. Vol. II Containing ... With an Introduction, giving some Account of this Work. The second Edition. London: J.J. und P. Knapton, J. Darby u.a. 1732 (7: 8° J. gent. 136i), 436-437.

englisch 1713


Artikel XIV IPO

  [Art. XIV,1 IPO ← § 30 IPM] XIV. As touching the Sum of twelve thousand Rixdollars, which ought to be annually paid to William Christian Marquiss of Brandenburg, by the Archbishoprick of Magdeburg, it has been agreed, That the Cloister and Bailliages of Zi[nn]a and Loburg, shall be immediately yielded and given over to the said Marquiss of Brandenburg, with all their Appurtenances, and full and entire Jurisdiction, excepting only the Right of Territory; and that the said Marquiss shall enjoy these Bailliages his whole Life, without being in any manner accountable for them; provided however, that no Prejudice be done to the Subjects of the said Bailliages, either as to Temporals or Sprirituals.  
  [Art. XIV,2 IPO ← § 30 IPM] And whereas the said Cloister and Bailliages, as well as the Archbishoprick, have suffer'd very much thro the Injury of Time, the present Lord Administrator shall pay without delay, for that reason, to the said Marquiss, the Mony that shall be levy'd for that effect upon the said Archbishoprick, viz. the Sum of three thousand Rixdollars, of which neither the said Marquiss nor his Heirs shall be oblig'd to make any Restitution.  
  [Art. XIV,3 IPO ← § 30 IPM] It has been moreover agreed, That after the Decease of the said Marquiss, it shall be lawful for his Heirs and Successors to retain, for the space for five years, the said Cloister and Bailliages, and all their Appurtenances, Dependencies and Rights, and enjoy and use the same, upon the account of Victuals that have not been furnish'd, without being oblig'd to render any Account. But after the Expiration of the five years, the said Bailliages, with their Jurisdiction, Rent and Revenue, shall return, without any delay, to the Archbishoprick, nor shall any thing be demanded or pretended upon the account of the said Sum;
and all this shall take place when the said Archbishoprick of Magdeburg shall be possess'd by the Elector of Brandenburg, for his equivalent and due Recompence, and by his Heirs and Successors.

Vertragstext 1648
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